Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rice Cereal!

We had her 4 month appt today. She's 14 lbs 9 oz and 25 inches long :) She's growing like a weed...and able to start on rice cereal!! We were so excited to hear that. She's been watching us eat...and even opened her mouth like a little birdie. So we tried some tonight....and it's safe to say that she loved it. We've got a hearty eater on our hands. Here's some video of her trying it out. Enjoy :)

Back from our trip

We made it back home Wednesday morning I should say. Our flight was delayed, but she did AWESOME! She was awake for take off....and played a little bit. I nursed her and then she passed out for the whole rest of the flight. Such a good baby :) Everything was going great...and we got off the plane and went to get our bags, when suddenly I realized that I was the last one there still waiting for one bag. The baggage carousel shut off and no more bags came out. What in the world?? I was sure my other bag made it on the where was it? Of course no one is willing to help at 11:30 at night. I was trying my best to keep it together...but my patience was wearing thin. I was told I would need to call an 800 number....yeh right. That's not helpful right now! Finally the gentleman manning the Midwest Airlines counter appeared...and helped me find my bag at the bottom of the baggage area! Thank the Lord!! Mark showed up and Eleanor gave him the BIGGEST smile ever!! She definitely missed her Daddy :)

We had a great time back in Nebraska and Colorado visiting everyone. She got to meet a bunch of new people including her Uncle Matthew....Great Grandpa...Great Aunt & Uncle....cousins....and good friends of Mommy's. We can't wait to go back...but next time with Daddy. Two weeks apart is hard on everyone :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

The 4th of July weekend was full of "firsts." Her first 4th of July....her first overnight somewhere at Grammie Mary Lou's....and her first trip to the pool at Grammie & Popie's. She did great! Slept great in the pack n play all night too. What a good baby!!

She's also found her we'll see if she gives up the pacifier for her thumb :) She so close to rolling over from her back to her tummy. Maybe she'll master that on our upcoming vacation back to Nebraska. We leave next Tuesday, so I've already started packing. I've got a lengthy list I'll have to see if I can fit it all in. We're flying Midwest we have to pay the extra to check a bag. If I'm paying $15 I'm gonna make sure that sucker is loaded :)

Here's a pic of our little firecracker!