Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 17, 2010

14 Months Old Today

Yay!! She's getting so big! And she learned how to say our dog's name this weekend. She says "May May" for Maggie :) It's just about the cutest thing EVER! Here's a new video I took of her playing with her tea set. Don't be alarmed by the squeaky music in the background. I was testing out a new ringtone to drive Maggie crazy didn't work...but Ellie likes the music :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Couch

She figured it out this week....she can successfully scale the couch. I'm telling you...she GREW this week people :) She gave me quite a scare...of course it was my own fault. I was distracted by having our computer downstairs..and was looking something up..and suddenly I realized how quiet it got. Where is she? Sure enough...she was standing on the couch...picking through my purse. She saw me...squealed..and proceeded to walk off the couch! Yikes...I swear it all happened in slow motion...I started to run to her...but slid on the carpet just in time to get my hand underneath her head as she fell. Luckily there was a pillow right underneath her she landed pretty softly...and she laughed. Mommy did not laugh. That night Daddy moved the computer back upstairs...where it belongs....that won't be happening again :) Lesson learned.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I fancied it up around here....

In case ya didn't notice :) I found a great website that has free fonts...and a tutorial on how to add your font to I thought we could use a change around here :) Hope you like it!

I think Ellie is going through a growth spurt this week. She slept in today until 8:45...and then she took an almost 4 HOUR nap!! She never does that....and she was super dooper hungry at dinner...and ate 1/2 a chicken breast...and all of her broccoli. Whoohoo!! So if she's grown 4 inches tomorrow when she wakes up...I'll know why :)

We had a lovely Mother's Day yesterday....and I couldn't help but think back to what she looked like last little!! And to think we thought she was getting so my how your perspective changes :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's New with Ellie?

You may be asking yourself thought I'd update everyone :)
We're learning more words...slowly..but learning. She says "dog" "door"(which could really be dog..but works) "dada" "hi" and today we were practicing "baby" and she said it! Yay :) She blows kisses and waves bye bye and waves hello. She definitely understands small tasks, like "go find your milk" and "give me kisses". She doesn't always follow through with that last one...and we have to chase her down to get a kiss :) We've been working with a spoon and fork at mealtimes...but we should probably step that up a little. She doesn't like to be corrected...and does this weird thing where she tries to gag herself if you tell her no. I don't know what that is...or how she learned it..but ok...whatever kid :) She's very interested in learning how things work...especially the toilet...and she's figured out how to we'll probably see a rise in our water bill thanks to that! :)

She continues to amaze us everyday. She likes to watch other kids and will probably be the shy kid. She's not one to run up to people she doesn't know, and has been going through some separation anxiety lately. The last few times we've dropped her off in the church nursery, she bursts into tears as soon as we step away from we're working through that...and hopefully she'll start adjusting.

She's into everything...and when I say everything...I mean...EVERYTHING! It's 3 times now she's found the red button on our power strip that our computer is plugged into and turned it off...and 3 times we've panicked...and prayed we didn't lose anymore pictures like we did a few weeks ago. I guess you can never "babyproof" enough. Oh well. As long as she's not falling down the stairs...or anything bad like that...I'm doing ok, right? That's one thing I'm learning more and more each will always second guess yourself...and always wonder..."Am I doing enough?" or "Am I doing a good job?" We'll never live up to our standards of perfection...but we can learn to just take one day at a time...and get through each day.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One of her favorite things....

Is looking out the front door...and watching for her Daddy...